Press Kit
July, 2002
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The short movie Ripple was written and directed by Don Boner, Indianapolis, IN. Ripple was the first short film Don Boner created. The movie was shot with a Canon GL1
and a Lowell light kit was used for the interior lighting, sound was recorded on a Sonny DAT Walkman. The idea for Ripple occurred to Don as he was driving on Indiana highway
135 south of Nashville IN, and on the back roads of Brown County last October, 2001. With the events of 9-11 still in his mind he began to wonder how mankind would react to a
catastrophic event that affected not only their physical world but also their mental and spiritual world. Don has enjoyed reading lay books on physics and knew that Einstein had
postulated when a large star implodes on itself a ‘Ripple in the Space/Time Continuum’ must occur. Exactly what a Ripple in Space/Times means is the subject of current scientific
Don created a treatment for Ripple in early May, and completed the script in mid June. Auditions were held July 9, Thirteen local actors auditioned for the three main parts.
On July 10, Don had selected the cast and the Interior scene was shot on July 16. The exterior scenes were shot at Holiday Park, Indianapolis on July 20, 2002 Don worked
day and night for the next 5 days editing with Adobe Premier. A completed version of Ripple was sent to the duplicator on July 29, 2002.
A public screening of Ripple was held on August 2, 20027 at Key Cinemas, Indianapolis, for cast and crew and their friends.
On one level Ripple is a Science Fiction story about the consequences of what would happen if a large star that was in close proximity to our solar system were to implode on itself. If
the gamma rays radiation did not kill all life on earth how would the ‘Ripple’ in the Space/Time Continuum that Einstein postulated effect mankind? The last three people on earth struggle
with the altered reality they face, as one by one they disappear from the universe. Or do they?
On another level the movie asks, are we real? What is the meaning of life and death, and the universal question, which remains unanswered? Why?
The Protagonist believes he must keep moving and that he will find answers ‘down the road.’ Until the end he is confidant that everything can be explained and that somehow things
will return to normal.
The Skeptic has a broader conscious awareness of the catastrophic events that has occurred. At first he doubts that the protagonist is real, but joins him as the two wanders around
looking for a road to take.
The Emotional Defeatist is convinced all is lost. She too doubts that protagonist is real and she is agitated by the protagonist desire to move on ‘Go Where!’ she shouts at him when
he suggests that they keep moving.
The Antagonist is the force of nature or the Universe itself.
The emotional defeatist and the skeptic disappear forcing the protagonist to ponder his fate and that of the universe as he cries to the heavens “WHY??”.
The Voiceover of the Professor at the end posses a disturbing question for the viewer to contemplate ‘Perhaps a large ripple has hit the earth before, and the human mind forces
us to forget the experience. Those poor souls who do remember, we label as psychotic and lock them up. Or then maybe the ripple moves everyone to a higher plain, or a new universe.’
Filmed in Indianapolis Indiana
Bio’s of Cast and crew of Ripple
Don Boner, Director, Attended four week intensive workshop at the New York Film Academy. Formally Director of Product Development, Adman Software. Developed
four games on a TRS 80 Model I Level II in 1981, released by the Programmer's Guild and Micro Fantasy. Game titles - Thunder Road, Deadly Dungeon, Revenge of Bolrog,
and The Fortress at Times-End. Award winning wine maker and author of Beer making manual.
Somewhere In Indiana was premiered on December 3, 2004 at the Indiana Historical Society Theater in Indianapolis Indiana to almost 600 people.
Somewhere In Indiana is distributed by Echelon Entertainment.
Ed Kessner, Gaffer, Retired, Veteran’s Administration, restores antique clocks and detailed woodwork among other things.
Andrea Jackson, Sound, Jackson, Andrea – MFA Metalsmithing, Texas Tech; BFA Metalsmithing, Ball State. Designer/Instructor, FC Drea Design in Indianapolis.
Adjunct Professor, Metalsmithing, Herron School of Art and Design
Andrew Fallon, Assistant Camera, A senior at Cathedral has lived in Indiana for a year; he has an older brother at the Air Force Academy; he likes sports, super-cars,
super-bikes, movies, the Simpson’s, etc. and is an aspiring film maker.
Jarod Crowley, actor
A graduate of Ball State University with a degree in Theatre. Stage experience includes the character of “Willie,” from the play Mastor Harold and the Boys. Trained
with the casting director Clair Sennett as well as with many others. Has been in several one-act plays. In addition, Ball State Theatre Dept. produced an independent film
in which he was cast as one of the main characters. Performed at Crackers Comedy Club in Indy, Amateur Night, for past three years.
Allison Winters, actor,
A 2002 graduate of Butler University, Allison finds herself pursuing her dream of becoming an actress both on stage and on screen. She recently graduated with high honors
and a B.S. in Telecommunications with minors in Theatre and in French. At Butler she actively participated in the campus television/radio station, WTBU. She was a reporter
and anchor of IMPACT News and the host of "This Is Butler." She is currently co-directing the Stage Actor's Workshop here in town, while staying busy auditioning for local
plays and features. Most notably, Allison was recently accepted into the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in NYC, a prestigious acting conservatory, and plans to
attend within the next year. She has been seen performing in various plays and musicals locally including, The Sound Of Music, Elsa Schrader, Phantom of the Opera,
Carlotta, and Beauty and the Beast, Mrs. Potts. Her recent film credits include her portrayal of the character, Sheila, in the Center for Educational Resources' Count On Me
Medeline Beck, actor,
BA Indiana University Fine Arts. Theatre including Searching for Dogberry, A Man a Woman and a Cat, The Fantastisk plus other theatre. Television, Fashion
Emergency, Triumphs and Tribulations. Film, Eight Men Out, Hoosiers.
Patrick Cavanagh, actor,
A recent graduate of Cathedral High School and is currently enrolled at the New Actors Workshop* in New York City. While attending Cathedral he was involved in their
theatre program and performed in many of their productions, including Romeo and Juliet (as Mercutio) and a self-directed production of A Midsummer Night's Dream .
He is currently involved in Shakespeare & More Company's production of The Taming of a Shrew and also ComedySportz of Indianapolis. He will be returning to New
York this fall.
Zirque Bonner, Voice Over.
Received a BA in Music Performance at Northern Arizona University. He is Director of the Music and Media Program at Verde Valley School, in Sedona
Arizona. He is an accomplished jazz bassist, composer and multi- instrumentalist who has recorded and/or performed with Brad Meldeu, Lee Konitz, Ralf Illenberger,
Chris Spheeris, Carlos Naki and others. He is very active in the Northern Arizona music scene, and has performed at premiere venues in NYC, Indianapolis, Sedona,
Phoenix, Germany, Greece, and Morocco.